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lauantai, 1 maaliskuun, 2025
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Alanya Turkiye Youtube Official Page
Koti Tapahtumia Koulutus The Students Donated A Big Record of Food to The Animal Shelter

The Students Donated A Big Record of Food to The Animal Shelter

The Students Donated A Big Record of Food to The Animal Shelter

The Unattended Animal Shelter and Temporary Hospice which Alanya Municipality has implemented in Demirtaş continues to be influenced by the influx of visitors within the scope of the practical training activities of the schools. Donation of food to the shelter of the students passed 2 tons.

Alanya Municipality’s social understanding with the municipality of Alanya, Turkey Demirtas neighborhood that have implemented the largest and most comprehensive Orphaned Animal Shelter and Transitional Care Centers, continues to undergo the influx of students. The students who visit the shelter within the framework of both the educational activities given in schools and the days and weeks of animal rights protection do not neglect to donate food for animal friends. Thousands of students from 36 schools, who have visited the shelter since October 4, World Animal Protection Day, have extended a hand of love to animals and donated a record of food to the shelter. Students donated a total of 2 tons and 360 kilograms of food in a 12-day period.

Alanya Municipality Veterinary Affairs Director Saim Kanlı, Alanya Municipality Unattended Animal Shelter and Temporary Nursing Home visited teachers and students, thanks to the students said that the love needs of animals are better met.
Director Kanlı, ”District National Education Director in front of our shelter visiting, I would like to thank everyone who donated food to a debt,” he said.

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