Мероприятия: Октябрь, 2019 (Другой)
Restoration Award to Alanya Municipality
RESTORATION AWARD TO ALANYA MUNICIPALITY The Municipality of Alanya was awarded the continuity award with the “Culinary Culture House-Food Museum” […]
Exemplary Project from Alanya Municipality to Barrier-Free Beach
A new arrangement was made at Gökkuşağı Barrier-Free Public Beach, which was realized by the Municipality of Alanya with the […]
«Culinary Heritage» Gastronomy Work Tour Begins
Culinary Heritage, widely used in European countries began the first leg of Alanya Municipality is the first municipality in Alanya […]
Culinary Heritage Europe Gastronomy Working Tour Alanya Leg Completed
Alanya Municipality is the first municipality in which the license rights of the domain system in Turkey Culinary Heritage Europe, […]
Resident Foreigners (Yeni Alanyalılar) will celebrate their 15th years
Alanya Municipality Foreigners Assembly (Yeni Alanyalılar) is preparing to celebrate its 15th anniversary on October 23rd. Turkey’s first and only […]
Culinary Heritage European Gastronomy Work Tour Ended
Alanya Municipality is the first municipality in Turkey to get licence rights of the Culinary Heritage Europe system. The Gastronomy […]
International Alanya Photograph Contest
О КОНКУРСЕ «Глаза Алании». Этот конкурс организован Фондом туризма и продвижения Алании (ALTAV), Муниципалитетом Алании и Ассоциацией туристических компаний Алании […]
Yeni Alanyalılar Celebrated the 15th Anniversary of the Foundation
The Alanya Municipality Foreigners Committee (New Alanyians) celebrated the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Committee. The celebrations and […]
Past, Present, and Tomorrow of Culinary Heritage
MUTFAK MİRASI’NIN DÜNÜ BUGÜNÜ VE YARINI KONUŞULDU Yöresel lezzetleri korumak ve yerel üreticilerden ürün alınmasını teşvik etmek amacıyla kurulan […]