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Hemsida الأحداث 2020 (آخر)

الأحداث: 2020 (آخر)

2020 Alanya Organisation Calendar


APRIL 13-26th 2020 – THE 3rd ALANYA INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN FESTIVAL   The National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, gifted to the […]

Alanya is the warmest spot in Turkey.


The General Directorate of Meteorology of Turkey recorded yesterday in Alanya the highest air temperature +20 degrees. The lowest temperature […]

Here is the New Population of Alanya


Here is the new population of Alanya Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI), according to data from Alanya’s population in 2019 was […]

24 Happy Couple was Say ´YES´ at the VALENTINE´S DAY in ALANYA


Alanya Municipality Wedding Hall experienced one of the busiest days of the year on February 14, Valentine’s Day. On this […]

Green Areas in Alanya, Now Multicolored.


Tulips, daffodils and hyacinth bulbs began to bloom,   planted in green areas in various parts of the city by the […]

Culinary Heritage Alanya will Attend Istanbul Culinary Cup


Gastronomi dünyasının en önemli etkinliklerinden biri olan İstanbul Culinary Cup 2 gün sürecek. Gastronomi sektörünü bir araya getiren ve Dernek […]

Only Kent Kart or payment by Contactless Cards in City Buses from 17th March


From 17th March it WILL NOT be possible to pay in cash to get on city buses. Only Kent Kart […]

Free masks started to be distributed to everyone in Alanya.


Alanya Belediye Başkanı Adem Murat Yücel, Covid-19 ile mücadele kapsamında açıklanan yeni önlem çalışmalarının ardından, vatandaşa ilk etapta dağıtılacak 50 […]

Disinfectant Tunnel Started Service


Alanya Belediyesi, tüm dünyada etkisini gösteren COVID-19 (Yeni Tip Koronavirüs) salgınına karşı alınan tedbirlere bir yenisini daha ekledi. Alanya Belediyesi’nin […]

ALANYA Has Not Forgotten The Street Animals


While the curfew was declared against the COVID-19 outbreak with the decision of the Ministry of Interior, staff affiliated to […]

Mikronsis Disinfection Machine Has Started Servicing The City


Mikronsis Disinfection Machine, which was brought to the city by the Alanya Municipality to combat COVID-19, continued its disinfection works […]

Seasonal Flower Planting Started For Summer


The Alanya Municipality Park and Gardens Directorate staff started seasonal flower planting for summer months in the central medians, junctions […]